NRG Experiences
PLASA 2018
At PLASA London in September 2018, six students from across the UK came together to provide a frontline ‘welcome’ to all the trade visitors coming onto the Robe stand whilst acting as ambassadors for NRG.
This opportunity is offered to NRG crew members on an annual basis, and Ian Brown, Sales Director Robe UK explains the reason behind the appointments. “PLASA is a flagship show for Robe and we need to offer the most informed and welcoming introduction to all the visitors coming onto our stand. I selected NRG crew members based on their interest in, and passion for Robe products. Every one of the students excelled in their roles and we were proud to have them on our team.”
The NRG PLASA team were buzzing about their experiences at the show and what the opportunity meant to them...
Jack Coker, CSSD: “Working for Robe at PLASA has been a fantastic way to get more involved in the NRG project and I have gained so much product knowledge which will be invaluable in my studies, and, longer term in my career.”
Charley Lidster, USW: “What a great way to further my network within the lighting industry. Opportunities like this are so worthwhile and whilst it was exhausting, it was amazing!”
Karyn Wilson, Royal Conservatoire Scotland:“I met some inspirational people and it was an incredible educational and networking opportunity.”
Will Blackie, Cheshire College South & West: “This is one of the best things you can do! I couldn’t resist applying again – the networking is unprecedented.”
Matt Carnazza, Rose Bruford College: “This opportunity has been invaluable for my future career prospects. Wearing the Robe uniform at the show was an absolute privilege and it has really helped build my confidence when speaking to industry professionals.”
Gavin Mooney, LIR Academy: “It was a privilege to be chosen to work on the Robe stand and learn more about all the fixtures we were talking to customers about. I met so many inspirational and genuinely interesting people from all aspects of the lighting community.”